On MusicalStore2005 you will always find a fair price - the best price - but we can't afford the lowest price in the world, so we don't offer prices other than those shown.
MusicalStore2005 offers all consumer customers the same conditions of purchase, extension of the right of withdrawal, telephone assistance, assistance via e-mail, fast shipments and dedicated technical advice in the professional field.
All products come from official distributors and are covered by a 24-month legal and compliance guarantee.
We are aware that nowadays on the net you can always find the lowest price, and often these prices refer to b-stock or exposed products, not new and sealed.
Customers who buy on MusicalStore2005 or who return do so because they are satisfied with the goods and service received - a pride for us - 🤩 those rare times that something goes wrong we are always ready to understand our customers' needs and make sure they are met .
However, it is always a good idea to send a request to our sales department specifying the product model of your interest, url and any other useful information to offer you a fair price.
The B2B service is an area dedicated to sellers (who do not operate online) of musical, electronic and IT items. To find out more, consult this section.
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